Election Center 2011
Election Center
Welcome to the Academy Election Center
The Academy places a high value on the leadership provided by its members who volunteer their time and expertise to serve on committees, councils, task forces, work groups and through other volunteer activities.
Here at the Academy Election Center you can access all the information and forms you need to participate in the nomination and election processes. Check this page regularly for new information and look for nomination and election news updates in the Friday editions of This Week and in the Election News section of our monthly newsletter, Actuarial Update.
Academy Election Updates
Academy announces regular director election results
Academy President Mary Frances Miller announced that Mary Bahna-Nolan, Ken Kent, and Catherine Murphy-Barron have been elected by the members to fill open regular director positions on the Academy’s board of directors. Complete election results, including the results of two amendments to bylaws, are available in her letter to the members. See related news release.
The Academy's Online Election Ended Sept. 2
The Academy's first-ever online election for open regular director positions on the board of directors ended Sept. 2. Also on the ballot were votes on two bylaws amendments—one implementing the profession-wide changes to the discipline process and another that shortens the term of the presidential office by one year by removing the position of penultimate past president from the Academy board of directors. Results will be announced on or before the Academy Annual Meeting Oct. 24. (09/06/11)
Election Message from the Academy President
Read President Mary Frances Miller's message to Academy members announcing dates of the online balloting for Academy elections, the slate of candidates for open Regular Director positions to be voted on by the membership, the slate of candidates for presidential officers and vice presidents to be voted on by the Board of Directors, and the bylaws amendments to be voted on by the membership. (07/28/11)
Regular Director Candidate Slate Announced
After extensive deliberation, the Nominating Committee has presented the following three candidates to the Academy membership for election to three-year terms as regular directors of the board of directors: (07/28/11)
- Mary Bahna-Nolan
- Ken Kent
- Cathy Murphy-Barron
Academy Bylaws: Amendment to Article III of the Academy Bylaws, Removing the Penultimate Past President from the Board of Directors
This proposed amendment results from the board of director's ongoing review and consideration of the October 2010 report of the Governance Task Force. It removes the position of Penultimate Past President from the Academy Board of Directors, which reduces the overall time commitment for board service by the Academy president from four years to three (President-Elect term, Presidential term, Immediate Past President term). Read more. (07/28/11)
Academy Bylaws: Amendment to Article IX of the Academy Bylaws, Joint Discipline
This proposed amendment results from the Academy's work with the other U.S.-based actuarial organizations, through the Council of U.S. Presidents, to reform the disciplinary process. The specific question on the ballot reads: Do you approve the proposed amendments to Article IX of the Academy Bylaws relating to discipline, as recommended by the Board of Directors at its May 25, 2011 meeting? Read more. (07/28/11)
Date of Election for Regular Directors: Aug. 3-Sept 2
As previously announced, the Academy this year will implement electronic balloting, for a one-year trial basis, for the election of regular directors and for two bylaws amendments. Elections are scheduled to begin on Aug. 3 and will close on Sept. 2, with results to be tabulated for announcement by Oct. 24, 2011. (07/28/11)
Electronic Balloting
Members will receive an email from the Academy's elections vendor, Survey & Balloting Systems (SBS), with electronic voting instructions when the elections open on August 3. Members who have opted out of receiving email communications from the Academy will receive a paper ballot via regular mail.
By adding the SBS email address below to your email white list, you can ensure that this important communication will not be misdirected by a spam filter. Consult your IT department or call the Academy's membership services department for more information.
Add this Sender to Your Email White List: AmericanAcademyofActuaries@directvote.net (07/28/11)
Eligible Voters
Eligible voters will include all Academy members whose dues for the current year have been paid in full as of July 14, 2011. Email addresses will be finalized on July 28; members who log in to their Academy profile and update their email address before July 28 will receive their email election notification at their new email address. Members who have opted out of receiving email communications from the Academy will receive a paper ballot via regular mail. (07/28/11)
For additional information, contact elections@actuary.org.