The American Academy of Actuaries is a D.C.-based 20,000 member professional association whose mission is to serve the public and the U.S. actuarial profession. Academy members include consultants, corporate executives and staff, regulators, government officials, academics, and retired actuaries. Their areas of practice cover pensions, life insurance, casualty insurance, health insurance, financial reporting, risk management, and more.
The Academy assists public policymakers on all levels by providing leadership, objective expertise, and actuarial advice on risk and financial security issues. The Academy also sets qualification, practice, and professionalism standards for actuaries credentialed by one or more of the five U.S.-based actuarial organizations in the United States.
Many of today's most pressing public policy issues require the sound application of actuarial principles. The Academy provides actuarial expertise and advice to public policy decision makers on a wide array of issues that require the special set of skills and qualifications that actuaries offer.

Information about the Academy's leadership including committee rosters.
Strategic Plan: Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals and Objectives The Academy's vision, mission, and strategic goals and objectives. The core values of the American Academy of Actuaries guide volunteers and staff in the work we do for and on behalf of the Academy. List of committees responsible for the mission-driven work of the Academy. The Academy's bylaws and various policies and guidelines. Information about the Academy's Annual Meeting and Public Policy Forum. Learn more about the Academy’s membership requirements. The Academy’s Competency Framework specifies the knowledge required of a new Academy member regarding General Actuarial Topics, U.S. Laws and Practices, and U.S. Actuarial Professionalism. Demographic information about the Academy’s members, including practice area. |
Background on the Academy, historical notes, Charter Members, and a list of past officers.
The Academy presents awards each year to recognize members for their commitment to the profession. A list of most frequently asked questions and answers about the Academy. The Academy serves as the public information organization for the actuarial profession in the United States. The American Academy of Actuaries offers a professional and challenging work environment, competitive compensation, and comprehensive benefits. The Pension Assistance List (PAL) is intended to provide professional services to consumers who have questions about their pension plans. Part of the Academy’s mission is to represent the U.S. profession globally, and we serve as the unique voice of the U.S. actuarial profession in international forums. The Academy is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. Members failing to meet these obligations are subject to the Academy’s disciplinary process as set out in its Bylaws.
Directions to the Academy's office.
Contact information of the Academy.