The Academy, through its public policy work, seeks to address pressing issues that require or would benefit by the sound application of actuarial principles. The Academy provides unbiased actuarial expertise and advice to public policy decision makers and stakeholders at the state, federal and international levels in all areas of actuarial qualifications. It also advocates on behalf of the profession and promotes the use of actuaries in non-traditional areas.
The Health Practice Council (HPC) provides objective technical expertise to policymakers and regulators on major health insurance and health care affordability issues, including Medicare.
The Retirement Practice Council (RPC) provides objective technical expertise to policymakers and regulators on major retirement policy issues, including Social Security and retirement plans.
The Casualty Practice Council (CPC) provides objective technical expertise to policymakers and regulators on major property/casualty issues, including medical professional liability and flood insurance.
The Life Practice Council (LPC) provides objective technical expertise to policymakers and regulators on life insurance issues, including a principle-based regulatory approach to reserving and risk-based capital.
The Risk Management and Financial Reporting Council (RMFRC) provides objective technical expertise to policymakers and regulators on issues involving risk management and/or financial reporting.
Request one of the Academy’s experienced and knowledgeable speakers who have volunteered to share their expertise on actuarial public policy.
The Life Underwriting and Risk Classification Subcommittee submitted additional comments to the Colorado Division of Insurance on the ACLI draft proposed quantitative testing regulation, Concerning Quantitative Testing of External Consumer Data and Information Sources, Algorithms, and Predictive Models Used for Life Insurance Underwriting for Unfairly Discriminatory Outcomes.
(September 13, 2024)The Public Plans Committee released an issue brief, Public Pension Plans: Helping Members Evaluate Buyout Programs and Other Lump Sums. The issue brief suggests critical information that would help members compare the value of an offered buyout—a lump sum payment in exchange for some or all of their pension benefits—to the value of the lifetime benefits.
(September 11, 2024)The Extreme Events and Property Lines Committee submitted comments to the Federal Emergency Management Agency on their RFI on the redesign of the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System.
(September 09, 2024)The Life Underwriting and Risk Classification Subcommittee submitted comments to the NAIC's Special (EX) Committee on Race and Insurance Life Workstream on the July 17 Exposure of the Survey of Life Insurer Underwriting Guidelines as Applied to Justice Impacted Individuals.
(September 05, 2024)Members of the Life Investment Analysis Subcommittee presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on Assets for Appointed Actuaries.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Life Practice Council, along with representatives from Kuvare and the Minnesota Department of Commerce, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on offshore reinsurance.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Economic Scenario Generator Subcommittee, along with representatives from Oliver Wyman and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Generator of Economic Scenarios (GOES) Project.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Annuity Reserve and Capital Subcommittee, along with representatives from EY, presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on the VM-22 Field Test.
(August 28, 2024)Members of the Life Practice Council presented at the Society of Actuaries' 2024 Valuation Actuary Meeting on regulatory updates on recent National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) activity.
(August 28, 2024)The Pension Committee released an issue paper, ERISA: 50 Years of Shaping the Single-Employer Defined Benefit Landscape. It discusses the broad impacts of The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 on the retirement landscape, focusing specifically on the single-employer space.
(August 28, 2024)Annette James, co-chairperson of the Health Equity Committee (HEC), provided updates on recent HEC activities to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Special (EX) Executive Committee on Race and Insurance. Topics included using cost-effectiveness as a metric for evaluating new benefits as opposed to using only cost. Behavioral health is also a major focus of the HEC this year to develop a framework that actuaries could use to incorporate other factors into the evaluation of health benefits.
(August 13, 2024)Academy Casualty Policy Analyst Rob Fischer provided an update on the Casualty Practice Council (CPC) activities of interest to NAIC’s Casualty Actuarial (C) Task Force, including an update on recent publications, and anticipated releases from other CPC workstreams of interest to the NAIC.
(August 13, 2024)Academy Senior Health Fellow Cori Uccello presented on the “Drivers of 2025 federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Premium Changes” to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force during its 2024 Summer National Meeting. The presentation also highlighted the recently released associated issue brief and infographic.
(August 12, 2024)Academy Senior Health Policy Analyst Matthew Williams provided an update on the Health Practice Council (HPC) activities of interest to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Health Actuarial (B) Task Force during its 2024 Summer National Meeting. Topics included key policy priorities and project updates for the HPC, annual Hill and agency visits, as well as current workstreams with the NAIC Health Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group on tiered risk-based capital factor development.
(August 12, 2024)The Data Science and Analytics Committee commented to the U.S. Department of the Treasury on the Request for Information (RFI) on Uses, Opportunities, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector.
(August 12, 2024)Comments, analysis, or explanatory material prepared for an external audience on behalf of an Academy group or the Academy as a whole; these include letters, memos, reports, and fact sheets.
Analyses of major actuarial or public policy issues written primarily for: policy-makers, regulators, the news media, and the public.
Include white papers and monographs which are longer, more detailed analyses of major actuarial or public policy issues written primarily for: policy-makers, regulators, the news media, and the public. Includes monographs and white papers.
Slides presented by the Academy at webinars, seminars, briefings, hearings, or other meetings and events.
The Academy works with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) on the creation and refinement of sensible, effective regulation. These reports and related documents highlight the NAIC-related work of Academy practice councils.
Written and oral testimony provided to Congress or to other governmental and quasigovernmental bodies.
The Academy has assembled materials to assist actuaries and regulators with implementation of PBR for life insurance.
This educational tool, developed by the American Academy of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries, is designed to provide you with perspectives on your longevity.
In today’s aging society, the widespread assurance of lifetime income is the single most important step needed to improve the retirement security of older Americans. Learn more about the Academy's work on this issue.
Practice notes offer examples of current and emerging approaches to selected actuarial tasks. They are intended to supplement the available actuarial literature, especially where the practices addressed are subject to evolving technology, recently adopted external requirements, or advances in actuarial science and other applicable disciplines.