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News from the American Academy of Actuaries
Orange bullet Slate of Regular Directors and Important Election Update

August 8, 2014

Dear Academy Colleague,

We have three excellent candidates for your consideration for the three regular director positions open on the Academy board. These are the slate of candidates to be offered in the upcoming membership election to be held online August 25 through September 15:

Regular Director, for term expiring 2017

Please be on the lookout: You will receive an email on August 11 from Intelliscan, our election vendor, announcing that Academy election information will be sent to you soon. This email will come from electionadmin@intelliscaninc.net. Please be sure to add it to your safe senders list and to check your Spam folder to make sure you receive it.

Remember to check the Academy Board Election Center, which includes links to the candidates’ information, bios, and candidate statements. Further information will be posted as it becomes available.

We encourage you to take part in selecting the newest leaders of the Academy who will help us fulfill our mission to serve the public and the U.S. actuarial profession.


Tom Terry
American Academy of Actuaries